#1 Advice For A High-Achiever

Are you often stressed-out on your pathway to achieving goals?
Then, this message is for you.
As a high-achiever, YOU relentlessly work towards your goals. And you’re impatient too.
You may often get anxious and have difficulty in truly “Enjoying the Journey”.
That’s why, I want you to embrace this healthy mantra: Every day, I make progress. And every day, I deserve simple pleasure.
What do I mean by that?
As much as your work, dreams, or projects deserve your time, attention, and energy, so do YOU.
Start treating yourself with more love, more care, and more appreciation.
You can do this by offering yourself a daily #simplepleasure:
Instead of eating out, cook your favourite dish at home
Make yourself a warm bubble bath, instead of taking a quick shower
Buy yourself flowers, don’t wait for big occasions
Turn-on your favourite music and dance, as if there was no tomorrow
Watch a good comedy and enjoy your laughter
Or … do something else that gives you pleasure.
You work hard and you deserve it! Every day, be your own best friend.
With so much love and appreciation,