7 Common Myths About Coaching

I’m excited for this one!
I’ve just upgraded my coaching skills to assist you in reaching your high performance states on demand to create resourceful choices and make change easy and fast. 🥳
Coaching is often confused with therapy or mentoring and it’s worth clarifying what coaching IS and what it IS NOT so you can make the best possible decision for yourself.
Let’s dive into.
Myth #1: “Coaching is like a therapy.”
No, it’s not. Coaching is focused towards progress and future. It’s about forward momentum, behavioural change, planning, and strategic execution. Therapy is usually a lengthy process primarily focused on the past, helping clients understand their problems by talking about them and reliving them rather than focusing on finding solutions.
Myth #2: “Coaching is reserved to people with problems.”
No, it’s not. Coaching is a collaborative approach that helps you get clarity, become more disciplined and excellent at what you do, challenge you to reach your next level, and offer a motivating growth environment.
Myth #3: “Coaching is too expensive.”
Compared to what? Coaching helps you achieve your outcomes faster. If goals and objectives are like new pencils straight from the box, outcomes are like sharpened pencils that are ready to do what you want. Coaching saves you time and energy in figuring everything by yourself (process, unconscious inner game, etc). There are opportunities for every wallet, differing in length (from session to – a program- to a yearly ongoing support) and mode (in person, group, online). You can get what works best for you.
Myth #4: “All coaching is the same.”
No, it’s not. There are multiple approaches and tools and every coach has a different level of skill and experience. It’s important to choose a coach who is flexible in her/his approach to your needs and preferences.
Myth #5: “Coaching is the same as mentoring.”
No, it’s not. Coaching is more of a collaborative approach, a Socratic method where by listening, asking the right questions, reflecting back, challenging and keeping accountable helping you arrive at your best solutions. Mentoring is telling what to do.
Myth #6: “Coaching is for others, I know myself.”
So what’s been stopping you so far? If there is an area in your life when you’re not doing the way you want (health, career, relationships, money, spirituality etc.) – this simply means that you’re missing on how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Or you may know what you should be doing but you are simply not doing it because your inner programming blocks you. Most people are unconscious to their inner game and how it controls them. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
Myth #7: “Corporate coaching will do it for me.”
Are you ready to open up? I’ve had many clients offered with coaching support from their employers ending up unsatisfied because they were afraid to openly share things (wanting to change career, problems at home, conflicts with colleagues, burn-out, etc.) with a coach working for their employer. They ended up investing their own money to work privately with me on what truly mattered to them in a trusting environment.
The only way to know if coaching is for you is to test it out for yourself!
Schedule a free 45 min confidential call with me at info@lenabera.com to explore your needs and wants. Hurry, my schedule is filling up fast. ⏳
You’re an architect of your life, build something beautiful.
With love and appreciation,