Welcome in 2021! I hope you had restful holidays.

Finally, there’s a light in a tunnel…in a matter of a few months we will all get vaccinated and are coming from the last year challenge, stronger in spirit than ever!

Everything that happened in 2020 made us question and reflect on our priorities, habits, values, and beliefs about ourselves, our relationships and our professional life.

Lots of people are waking up from a long sleep… feeling ready to make important changes. Is that you?

As it happens when we go through such big transformations, it’s natural to feel sadness, fear, uncertainty and confusion. You are not alone.

It’s a sign you are ready to expand your identity, and that some part of you is trying to resist this growth. Don’t get into this trap of recreating your past.

What I encourage you to embrace and meditate on is this sentence: “I don’t know what the hell is going on, and that’s OK.” 

Trusting that with time and some patience, everything will get clearer. Don’t make big decisions until the dust has settled. Focus on here and now and on doing what feels most joyful to you. You can definitely try more of these simple pleasures that will help you reconnect to your true self.

It’s time to set intentions, instead of goals. 

Intentions give us overall direction and make us focused on who we want to become.

Maybe what you need to develop within you is: more courage, more resilience, more compassion, more calmness, more patience, more focus, more forgiveness… YOU NAME IT. 

Put a pen to paper and respond to these questions right NOW:

What were the lesson(s) in 2020 that I can carry with me to this year and beyond?

What do I want to experience or create in 2021 and beyond?

Who will I have to become?

What new behaviours or actions will support my intentions?

Big things are awaiting you. Let go of what’s not working and do more of what does. Make sure to create space for the new YOU in your business and life.

With lots of love,


P.S. If you’re crystal clear on what you want – Read this one: Use These 3 Powerful Strategies For Creating Your Best Year Yet

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