How to Measure Your Success to Really FEEL Successful

I woke up this morning to these words coming from the radio…🎼You can’t always get what you want…You can’t always get what you want..But if you try sometime you find…You get what you need…🎼The Rolling Stones, I thought to myself and, then boom 💥, an idea came to me for this message!
It’s enough being said and written about the importance of doing the work to get what we want, right?
But what if you don’t get what you want? Or what you thought you wanted and got, does not really satisfy you? 🤔
I’m curious….
How do you measure satisfaction in attaining your goals? What are your individual criteria? Both for smaller (cleaning your office, buying a gift, etc.) and bigger goals (raising a child, growing a business etc.)?
Take a second to visualise one of your recent achievements.
What’s your measure of success and satisfaction?
- accomplishment?
- perfection?
- learning?
- accolades of others?
- done quickly?
- the best of my ability?
- thoroughness? etc.
How do you value or devalue attaining your goals?
Such evaluative standards as: perfection, accolades of others, and done quickly are likely lead to disappointment, and devalue having that which you’ve achieved. Why is that?
Perfection is hard to measure, harder to attain, and easily thwarted. The accolades of others depend upon others being there to congratulate you, and upon their agreement with you in the first place that what you have done is praiseworthy. Done quickly often runs up against the world which is not as responsive as you might want it to be, and is easily hamstrung by the emergence of obstacles that you did not foresee.
Other criteria are better: learning, the best of my ability, thoroughness – Because they depend on your own efforts and experiences. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you will enjoy the journey and appreciate yourself along the way, which are the basis of a healthy and sustainable confidence. 🤩
Make sure to practice criteria flexibility – so you have multiple ways of meeting your standards of success and satisfying your desires. 💖
I believe in you and your dreams.
With a big warm hug,